Welcome to the official website of Shenzhen Temchy Health Co., Ltd!
l Ultrasound operating frequency:3.0MHz(2.5MHz and2.0MHzoptional, deviation from nominalrated acoustic operatingfrequency is not more than ±5%.。 l Comprehensive sensitivity: At a distance of 200mmfrom the probe surface, the comprehensive sensitivity is not less than90dB. l Display range:Fetalheart rate measurement display range65bpm-210bpm. In the range of 65-210bpm, the error:±2bpm(digital display). l Ultrasound output power: <20mW. l Spatial peak time peak sound pressure: <0.1MPa l The active area of the sensitive components of the ultrasonic transducer is: 1.57 cm2±30%. l Fetal heart rate detection resolution is 1bpm l The error of fetal heart rate measurement is not greater than ±2 bpm l Electromagnetic compatibility: Group IClass B l Size: 128mmx96mmx30mm l Weight: approx. 161g(withoutbattery). l Working environment: temperature: 5 °C ~ 40°C,humidity: 15 ~ 85%,atmospheric pressure:86kPa ~ 106kPa l Storage and transportation: temperature: -20 °C ~ 55°C, humidity: ≤93%RH,atmospheric pressure: 86kPa ~ 106kPa